Strong balance sheet as a result of very strong pulp prices during 2022, hedged electrical prices 2022, and relatively prudent financial management knowing that pulp is a cyclical business. Prices on wood used has increased, i.e. higher costs, due to Ukraine invasion limiting Russian supply to Finland. The pulp prices are declining due to global recession, and will probably continue to decline and/or stay low for some time before they turn up according to Rottneros outlook. My guess is that the share price might continue to drop during Q2 and after the Q2 report where I expect a weak result, and depending on outlook on pulp prices stay low or turn up, where my guess is that it will turn up during the second half of 2023, since the company's finances are overall good with low debt. Short term risks and variations, should be a good long term investment with good total return (10%/year) and low long term risk.