Adecoagro S.A.
Author: Alpha
- 9.71 -16.08% (11/02/2025)
- 15.00 +29.65% (14/08/2025)
Adecoagro is a non-cyclical investment into industrial scale agriculture in South America. The business segments are Sugar, Ethanol and Energy (50% with over 50% EBITDA margin) and other Farming (50% with around 15% EBITDA margin).
In 2024 the company has a 3% dividend yield plus 9% share repurchase program. This would have a positive effect on future ROE and EPS. Combined with <6x PE for TTM earnings the company is relative cheap (20% margin of safety).
14/08/2024| Analyses:92Author: micke
- 9.71 -1.02% (11/02/2025)
2023-06-21 9.99USD. The risk for shortage does not seem to be a threat as of now. I find the financial reports a bit hard to understand and see some risks with this, and thus taking a bit hesitant approach without a clear goal.
2022-03-13 12.34USD. I guess that there will be a global shortage of agricultural products during this and next year which will drive up prices and profits. I also guess that the oil will remain at $90-$100 levels which will keep ethanol price high. There is a lot of uncertainty but in other aspects an agricultural company gives nice diversity to my stock portfolio.
21/06/2023| Analyses:41