Danske Bank A/S

Financial Services

Research by MICKE

Author: micke

Danske Bank is Denmark’s largest bank, which gives scale and market advantages. Current price 195DKK today (2024-02-02) +5% after releasing 2023Q4 earnings and proposing a dividend of 14.5DKK, which is in sharp contrast to previous earnings and dividends which where muted/negative due to AML in the Baltic. The Baltic AML issue is now history and the bank can focus on delivering value to customers and shareholders. The share has seen significant rise (~100%) after the AML issue was finalized. I see further but more limited potential for the share to reach 240DKK, and good dividend, it is still a buy.

02/02/2024| Analyses:2
  • Valuation (1)
    • Danske can be a good value investment with high dividend.

      "Dividend for 2023 of a total of DKK 14.5 per share consists of a proposed dividend of DKK 7.5 per share for the second half of 2023 and an interim dividend of DKK 7.0 per share that
      was paid in connection with the interim report for the first half of 2023."

      24/02/2024 by MICKE
  • Financial (1)
    • High profit for 2023 and a good (suggested) dividend of 7.5 DKK in march, 7DKK was paid out during 2023, totaling 14.5KDKK for 2023. Danske will also start a program to repurchase shares for 5.5bn DKK, which at a shareprice of 200DKK is a bit over 3% of all shares.


      25/02/2024 by MICKE