Afry AB
Research by ALPHA
AFRY is a technical consulting firm with segments Infrastructure (35-40%), Process industry and industry & digital solutions. The company is priced at a discount compared to its peers; which is explained by lower margins, ROC and ROE.
Revenue and earnings doubled in the past 5 years. But that did not result into higher earnings per share. Initially the valuation jumped to 30x P/E but is back on its old level around 13x P/E. It looks like the market is pricing in risk for a downturn and has learned that business growth does not translate into better performance (per share-holder). Management has the objective to improve profitability in the next years.
I do not see the required quality to invest, and think there is risk for more downside (ballpark 100kr).
Risks (1)
Salary inflation risk
Risk for salary inflation while the market is slowing down that will reduce margins and profitability.